Dave Paradis

A simple gesture, a once and future customer

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StupeflixI love to tinker with all sorts of hosted applications: audio editing, video editing, content management tools, and so on. It used to be that in order to use these types of media tools you’d have to spend egregious amounts of money and install these applications on your PC. With the proliferation of high speed internet access and more efficient software development, resources spring up all the time as hosted services online.[more…]

Many of these services are relatively affordable and bill you either annually or monthly for access. As I mentioned  I love to tinker, and sometimes in order to get full access to a tool, you need to pay, of course, for the service. My wife will look over monthly bills and ask me, “What’s that? Do you use that?”. I try to be a bit more proactive at ensuring that I keep tabs on tools I use regularly and cancel those that I just can’t justify. Which brings me to a situation recently that just took me aback by it’s brilliance and simplicity.

I use a tool called Animoto for short video projects. It’s a fantastic tool that I use regularly but it has some limitations. I began to look at alternatives and came across a competitor, Stupeflix. Stupeflix offers essentially the same service, but with it’s own set of differentiators. I had a project to complete where Animoto couldn’t quite accomplish what I needed to do, so I signed up for Stupeflix and it did exactly what I needed for this project.

As the month was coming to a close  I received an email from Stupeflix. I anticipated the email was either a marketing email or an automatic billing receipt letting me know I had already been charged for the next month. What I got shocked me. It was an email letting me know that my month use was coming to an end and a reminder that I’d soon be charged should I want to continue with my paid account. I can’t recall the last time I received an email from a vendor letting me that the service was close to being billed and alerting me that I could opt out before getting charged again. To me, that was pure marketing/business genius.

I did cancel my paid account… for now. Once Stupeflix’s offerings come up more evenly with what my current needs are with Animoto, I’m certain to switch over.

Dave ParadisA simple gesture, a once and future customer
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YouTube Tip: Force full screen with URL tweak

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youtube-logo2Here’s a YouTube tweak that can be very helpful. By making a minor tweak to the URL structure of a video posted on YouTube, you can force it to go full screen.[more…]

See the two URLs below:



Just remove the [mark]”watch?”[/mark] and [mark] “=”[/mark] and replace them with  [mark]”/”[/mark].

Just be mindful though that if the video you are forcing to be full-screen isn’t HD, it may appear slightly pixelated.

Dave ParadisYouTube Tip: Force full screen with URL tweak
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Social Media influence on Holiday Retail 2012

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HolidayOnlineShoppingMuch to the chagrin of my wife, the Holiday Season is fast approaching. And part and parcel with the colder weather and decorations are the consumer traditions of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. An additional tradition is the release of IBM’s Enterprise Marketing Management Holiday Benchmark report (specifically from the former Coremetrics arm of the group). [more…]This report is invaluable to retailers, marketers and economists as it provides real-time reporting on how consumers are behaving in this pivotal retail window.

I personally find the data interesting as it relates to the influence of social media marketing on consumer spend as well as the rise in mobile marketing with consumers arming themselves with their smartphones for assisting in their shopping.

According to last year’s report, Facebook led the group of social networks for referrals to online sales on Black Friday at 75% and then again on Cyber Monday at 86%. Following Facebook in referrals was Twitter. An up-and-comer that I’m anxious to see how they perform is Pinterest.

Currently, Pinterest only has about a little than less than 1% of the active users that Facebook has and not quite 3% of the active users that Twitter has. Pinterest is gaining in popularity though, and according the newly released “State of the Internet” report from comScore this week, average daily visits to Facebook have leveled off and users are spending more time on other social media properties. Additionally, comScore’s report cites Pinterest as having the second highest BPI behind LinkedIn users, where Facebook arrives at a modest fourth.

Facebook remains king for now in social referrals to sales, but I’ll be on the lookout to see whether they give any more ground in this 2012 shopping season. And be on the lookout as well to the IBM EMM website and the reports that will be updated throughout the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

Dave ParadisSocial Media influence on Holiday Retail 2012
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Brainstorming: Social Media for event promotion

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Lamp bulb with thunder, lightnings and stormSocial media channels can be a great, low to no cost means of promoting an event prior to the event itself, engaging participants while on site and as a means of gauging success post-show. Here are some “brainstorming” ideas to help you make your event a success![more…]

Let me begin with the caveat that unless you’re hosting a reoccurring event (a large event at that), I’d recommend that you utilize existing channels rather than creating new event specific ones. For example, you are likely to get more traction from your existing Twitter account for your event by using an event specific hashtag rather than setting up a new account for your audience to follow.

With that said, let’s jump into the brainstorming!


  • Post regular updates on preparation leading up to the event.
  • Include highlights from either the previous years event or from related events so potential attendees can anticipate what the experience will be like.
  • Use your blog as a means to reach out to people to see what they’d be interested in seeing/learning.
  • Partake in “Live Blogging” at the actual event. People who did not have the opportunity to attend or who might attend future events could read this for relevancy. Also a great tool for an event “postmortum”


  • Develop a short, event specific hashtag.
  • Promote tracks, speakers, news regularly.
  • Use your Tweets to promote discounts or specials on registration fees.
  • Target the key influencers among your followers and communicate directly with them about the event.
  • Use tools such as twtpoll for electronic polling of your audience.


  • Create a custom tab with venue info, summary of event, and link to event website and/or registration.
  • Facebook allows for you to actually show content only to people who have “Liked” you. Post copies of select presentations relative to the event available for those who have “Liked” you.
  • Use Facebook Discussion Groups on your page to engage possible attendees on your event content.


  • Have presenters create short videos as “teasers” or summaries of their tracks.
  • Videos don’t need to be “professional” quality. Handheld cameras (Flip) or even a PC Webcam video can be a great, informal way of building a rapport with your audience.

QR Codes

  • Place QR Codes on attendee badges so that users with smartphones can share data with one another.
  • Have a QR Code on display at your booth and allow booth visitors access to a URL where they may download a piece of collateral for visiting.


  • Ensure that Twitter hashtags are promoted on signage, program guide, website.
  • Any display, whether electronic or print, can be used as an opportunity to advertise your social media properties.

I hope that you’ve found one or more good nuggets of information that you can use to help make your next event a success!

Dave ParadisBrainstorming: Social Media for event promotion
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