
Keeping your pharmaceutical sales force educated and compliant with video-based training

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This post originally appeared on the Blog

Disseminating timely information to teams in the field has become critical in every industry, but probably none more so than pharmaceuticals. With organizations having to adhere to drug regulators such as the The Food and Drug Administration, the World Health Organization or the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, corporations are tasked with developing curriculums to ensure their reps in the field are armed with the latest knowledge to be compliant. Non-compliance can cost organization billions of dollars from fines or recalls. Not to mention the fact that prospective customers can get answers as quickly as they can Google them. What value is there from a sales rep who is weeks late providing pertinent information? Rapid learning for the sales force is key.

Dave ParadisKeeping your pharmaceutical sales force educated and compliant with video-based training
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What do you do all day?

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Well it’s been entirely too long since I’ve posted an update here, but alas, to be busy is a blessed thing. I took a few moments at the end of my day to today to quickly make a list of items I worked on. There’s more to this list, but here’s a highlight of my Monday:

Dave ParadisWhat do you do all day?
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Considerations for implementing a Content Management System

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Are you sure you want to use SharePoint?A CMS, or Content Management System, is an application whose purpose is to allow non-technical users to simply add, edit and manage a website.

Although a poor choice won’t turn you into dust (just perhaps your status in your company), your corporate web presence is a critical part of your business and thus your CMS is a significant business investment. Additionally, implementing a CMS solution will impact the Business side of your organization as well as the IT group and as such, a set of requirements must be developed with each of these groups in mind.

Dave ParadisConsiderations for implementing a Content Management System
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A simple gesture, a once and future customer

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StupeflixI love to tinker with all sorts of hosted applications: audio editing, video editing, content management tools, and so on. It used to be that in order to use these types of media tools you’d have to spend egregious amounts of money and install these applications on your PC. With the proliferation of high speed internet access and more efficient software development, resources spring up all the time as hosted services online.[more…]

Many of these services are relatively affordable and bill you either annually or monthly for access. As I mentioned  I love to tinker, and sometimes in order to get full access to a tool, you need to pay, of course, for the service. My wife will look over monthly bills and ask me, “What’s that? Do you use that?”. I try to be a bit more proactive at ensuring that I keep tabs on tools I use regularly and cancel those that I just can’t justify. Which brings me to a situation recently that just took me aback by it’s brilliance and simplicity.

I use a tool called Animoto for short video projects. It’s a fantastic tool that I use regularly but it has some limitations. I began to look at alternatives and came across a competitor, Stupeflix. Stupeflix offers essentially the same service, but with it’s own set of differentiators. I had a project to complete where Animoto couldn’t quite accomplish what I needed to do, so I signed up for Stupeflix and it did exactly what I needed for this project.

As the month was coming to a close  I received an email from Stupeflix. I anticipated the email was either a marketing email or an automatic billing receipt letting me know I had already been charged for the next month. What I got shocked me. It was an email letting me know that my month use was coming to an end and a reminder that I’d soon be charged should I want to continue with my paid account. I can’t recall the last time I received an email from a vendor letting me that the service was close to being billed and alerting me that I could opt out before getting charged again. To me, that was pure marketing/business genius.

I did cancel my paid account… for now. Once Stupeflix’s offerings come up more evenly with what my current needs are with Animoto, I’m certain to switch over.

Dave ParadisA simple gesture, a once and future customer
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