
Connected Seniors: Enabling smartphone adoption

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The senior population in America is growing quickly. By the year 2050, the number of Americans age 65 and older is projected to more than double from about 40 million today to 88.5 million. While 7 in 10 seniors own a cell phone, only about 12% of those devices are smartphones. Small text, complexity of use and price are all factors at the low adoption rate of smartphones by seniors.

A start-up by the name of Silverline Mobile is looking to address these issues with their endeavor.  Silverline Mobile’s approach is two-fold: first, they’re developing a set of applications that are intuitive for seniors large formatting and visual cues; secondly, they’ve developed a program where they’re getting refurbished, lower cost devices into the hands of seniors.

Statistics from Administration on Aging and Pew Internet.

Dave ParadisConnected Seniors: Enabling smartphone adoption
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