
Planning a Successful Marketing Campaign

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No matter the campaign type or distribution method, marketing teams must brainstorm and devise a game plan before launching. Below are five steps to make the most out of a new promotion by streamlining the planning phase.

1. Outline Objectives
What does the campaign need to achieve? A broader customer base? Repeat sales? A liquidation of overstocked inventory? A brand must first decide on their objectives before trying to accomplish them. A campaign can have multiple benchmarks and run for any length of time, but, in order to be successful, the overall goals and metrics by which they’ll be measured should be outlined from the start.

Dave ParadisPlanning a Successful Marketing Campaign
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Considerations for implementing a Content Management System

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Are you sure you want to use SharePoint?A CMS, or Content Management System, is an application whose purpose is to allow non-technical users to simply add, edit and manage a website.

Although a poor choice won’t turn you into dust (just perhaps your status in your company), your corporate web presence is a critical part of your business and thus your CMS is a significant business investment. Additionally, implementing a CMS solution will impact the Business side of your organization as well as the IT group and as such, a set of requirements must be developed with each of these groups in mind.

Dave ParadisConsiderations for implementing a Content Management System
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YouTube Tip: Force full screen with URL tweak

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youtube-logo2Here’s a YouTube tweak that can be very helpful. By making a minor tweak to the URL structure of a video posted on YouTube, you can force it to go full screen.[more…]

See the two URLs below:



Just remove the [mark]”watch?”[/mark] and [mark] “=”[/mark] and replace them with  [mark]”/”[/mark].

Just be mindful though that if the video you are forcing to be full-screen isn’t HD, it may appear slightly pixelated.

Dave ParadisYouTube Tip: Force full screen with URL tweak
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