I have to be honest, I’m pretty smitten with the tools that Google makes available for free. I’m actually writing this right now using Google Docs, a free alternative to Microsoft Word, and saving it to my Google Drive account (cloud storage). Among Google’s best known tools is Google Analytics, a free web analytics application. With Google Analytics, you can measure traffic to your website and identify how users are interacting with your content. This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive review of Google Analytics, but rather a primer for marketers to understand the basics. Subsequent posts with include deeper dives into more advanced functionality.
What do you do all day?
Well it’s been entirely too long since I’ve posted an update here, but alas, to be busy is a blessed thing. I took a few moments at the end of my day to today to quickly make a list of items I worked on. There’s more to this list, but here’s a highlight of my Monday:
Considerations for implementing a Content Management System
A CMS, or Content Management System, is an application whose purpose is to allow non-technical users to simply add, edit and manage a website.
Although a poor choice won’t turn you into dust (just perhaps your status in your company), your corporate web presence is a critical part of your business and thus your CMS is a significant business investment. Additionally, implementing a CMS solution will impact the Business side of your organization as well as the IT group and as such, a set of requirements must be developed with each of these groups in mind.
Social Media influence on Holiday Retail 2012
Much to the chagrin of my wife, the Holiday Season is fast approaching. And part and parcel with the colder weather and decorations are the consumer traditions of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. An additional tradition is the release of IBM’s Enterprise Marketing Management Holiday Benchmark report (specifically from the former Coremetrics arm of the group). [more…]This report is invaluable to retailers, marketers and economists as it provides real-time reporting on how consumers are behaving in this pivotal retail window.
I personally find the data interesting as it relates to the influence of social media marketing on consumer spend as well as the rise in mobile marketing with consumers arming themselves with their smartphones for assisting in their shopping.
According to last year’s report, Facebook led the group of social networks for referrals to online sales on Black Friday at 75% and then again on Cyber Monday at 86%. Following Facebook in referrals was Twitter. An up-and-comer that I’m anxious to see how they perform is Pinterest.
Currently, Pinterest only has about a little than less than 1% of the active users that Facebook has and not quite 3% of the active users that Twitter has. Pinterest is gaining in popularity though, and according the newly released “State of the Internet” report from comScore this week, average daily visits to Facebook have leveled off and users are spending more time on other social media properties. Additionally, comScore’s report cites Pinterest as having the second highest BPI behind LinkedIn users, where Facebook arrives at a modest fourth.
Facebook remains king for now in social referrals to sales, but I’ll be on the lookout to see whether they give any more ground in this 2012 shopping season. And be on the lookout as well to the IBM EMM website and the reports that will be updated throughout the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.